• Importing clients into Rithm

    The clients you see can be transferred from a spreadsheet into Rithm. It is the best way to get started because it personalizes Rithm with clients you know about. Rithm’s optimizer can then automatically create a great plan to see them based on where they are at, their availability, when…

  • Selecting clients to optimize

    Usually the Optimizer finds the best clients to see without intervention. However you may have more clients than available time, or you may want to focus on particular regions or categories of clients. In this case you may want to specifically select which group of clients to optimize. Selecting client…

  • Optimizing your schedule

    As an outside sales professional, keeping track of numerous clients and their availability can be overwhelming. With quotas to meet and an ever-changing landscape, it’s no wonder salespeople often struggle. That’s where the Rithm optimizer comes in. Rithm helps you keep track of client meetings and suggests who should be…

  • Changing which columns to view on the client list

    The client list is very flexible and able to show whatever information is important for you. For example to see office hours of your providers as you scroll through the clients, click on the “Columns to view” button below the client list. Select “Hours available”, then click “Update” at the…

  • Rescheduling meetings

    How to reschedule a meeting: Note, you do not need to adjust the time of meetings that are automatically scheduled by the Rithm optimizer. If you manually add a meeting, Rithm’s optimizer will automatically remove its suggestions that conflict when you optimize the next time. If you do adjust the…

  • Deleting scheduled meetings

    To delete a scheduled meeting: Note, you do not need to delete suggested meetings that are automatically scheduled by the Rithm optimizer. If you manually add a meeting, Rithm’s optimizer will automatically remove its suggestions that conflict when you optimize the next time. For example if Rithm’s optimizer suggests a…

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  • How do I change my Password?

    To change your password if you are logged in on the desktop app, go to Settings –> Change Password. You can find it here. Note that you cannot change passwords on the mobile app. The mobile app password and desktop app passwords are the same. If you forgot your password…